The impact of electronic health record (EHR) interoperability on immunization information system (IIS) data quality

The impact of electronic health record (EHR) interoperability on immunization information system (IIS) data quality

Moving data between systems via an electronic exchange (interoperability) while keeping it clean is always a challenge. Data exchanged between electronic health records (EHR) and immunization information system (IIS) is no exception, as Woinarowicz and Howell demonstrate in this 2016 paper published in Online Journal of Public Health Informatics. Working for the North Dakota Department of Health, Division of Disease Control, the duo explain how setting up their IIS for interoperability with provider EHRs “has had an impact on NDIIS data quality.” They conclude: “Timeliness of data entry has improved and overall doses administered have remained fairly consistent, as have the immunization rates … [but more] will need to be done by NDIIS staff and its vendor to help reduce the negative impact of duplicate record creation, as well as data completeness.”

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