LiMSforum Group Rules

You agree that all discussions and comments you post are licensed under Creative Commons and that this content may be shared and or distributed and you agree to allow all of your postings in the group to be licensed under:

1. Adhere to the Terms of Use Agreement
2. Be kind and not rude and never use curse words
3. Respect fellow members privacy and do not send them messages as part of a spam campaign
4. Do not spam (you know what spam is).
5. Do not post jobs in the discussion area
6. Do not post jobs in the blog area
7. Do not post blogs in the discussion area
8. Do not post copyrighted material
9. Do not post untrue, false or malicious information
10. Do not post information (even if it is true) that would harm someone or some company
11. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
12. If you want to post a job, post it to the jobs section of the site.
13. Please submit all postings and comments in English
14. Do not start or participate in a “Flame War” Defined:

Finally, if you cannot agree to these rules, please leave the group and delete all of your postings.