
The full featured ELN hosted within a secure & compliant cloud…

What’s included?

  • Full ELN features and ability to customize
  • Unlimited Teams with unlimited storage
  • Unlimited number of users within your Team
  • Administrator privileges of your Team
  • Secure & compliant cloud hosting and storage with automatic backups


Modularity is what makes sciNote flexible and useful for every laboratory. Modules can be as simple as a reagent calculator or as complex as a sequencing workflow.

Data Traceability

Everything within sciNote is timestamped. You can check activity of every action that people who are assigned to your project make and recall previously archived data at any time.

Data Sharing

sciNote enables you to share your research work with your colleagues. Choose freely who you want to assign to a specific project and which data you want to share with them.

Workflow View

With modules, you can connect your experiments into a workflow so you can easily keep track of your work and trace the origin of any experiment at any time.

Tags & Comments

Tag your experiments to emphasize what is important. You can also comment on anything within sciNote like you would on any social media.

Powerful Search

sciNote has a powerful keyword search function that searches through all of your projects, including content of the attached files.

Experiment Templates

Once you create an experiment workflow within a certain project, you can clone it and reuse it as a template for similar experiments.

Automatic Reports

Simply select the data you want to include in a report and a PDF will be generated automatically. You can also rearrange the content as you wish.