High-quality, best-practice LIMS automation for your Affymetrix lab

High-quality, best-practice LIMS

automation for your Affymetrix lab.

Now you can speed lab workflows, increase the availability of accurate sample data, and improve end-to-end throughput of assays using GeneChip® technology. LabCentrix brings you all these capabilities in a single out-of-the-box solution called AffinityTM for Affymetrix®. It marries Thermo Scientific Nautilus™ with best-practice protocols established by Affymetrix. With this innovative package, you’ll automate lab tasks and provide researchers access to a wealth of valuable information. And there’s no custom configuration required.


To read the complete article/brochure, please click on the following link (LabCentrix website):  http://www.labcentrix.com/pdf/AffinityforAffymetrix.pdf