How to Set Up Your Software Environment for Maximum Productivity in the Lab

In today’s evolving market, labs inevitably need to make changes within their informatics software stack. The greater your lab’s efficiency in making these changes, the easier you’ll be able to keep up with new demands and innovations. How your software environment is set up can make a huge difference in how quickly you can validate new processes and updates to the software before deploying them.

We frequently get called in to help labs design a process to manage code and configuration changes while enabling innovation and regulatory compliance. A critical component of our strategy is to employ tools to bring your configuration and code together under version control. This reduces the process burden for the highly-skilled people on your team.

We’ve talked before about supporting your lab with continuous improvement. In this post, we’ll discuss why an effective continuous improvement strategy of incorporating continuous integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD) into your software lifecycle — which can be thought of as the lab’s “workflow change pipeline” — can improve your lab’s productivity.