Invitation to Negotiate – Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS)

Department of Agriculture


Invitation to Negotiate


Advertisement Number: ITN FS 09 10 09

Version Number: 000

Advertisement Begin Date/Time: 07/17/2009 – 03:00 P.M.


The purpose of this Invitation to Negotiate (ITN) is to solicit responses from qualified contractor(s) (Proposers) for the development, customization, implementation and maintenance of a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) for use by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (Department), Division of Food Safety, and its Bureau of Food Laboratories and Bureau of Chemical Residue Laboratories. Information from the proposed LIMS database shall be available to laboratory personnel, Division management and staff.

This ITN contains instructions for the submission of a proposal, system and content requirements, a description of the services to be provided, eligibility requirements and other requirements to be met by the Department’s time line for the selection process, deadline for proposal submission, and a description of the evaluation criteria.

Proposers should thoroughly read and must comply with all requirements contained in this ITN. Failure to provide all of the forms and information requested shall result in rejection of the proposal as non-responsive.

Invitation to Negotiate will be available at:

407 S. Calhoun Street

SB8 Mayo Building


Invitation to Negotiate will be opened at the above address at 02:00 P.M., August 18, 2009.


For more information, please click on the following link (State of Florida website):