LIMS for the Water, Wastewater Laboratory
The Ideal LIMS Solution for the Water, Wastewater Lab is a function of the right company, the right technology and the right features and functions for your needs. All supported by first class training, implementation and maintenance and support services. LABLynx is the Ideal Solution for your lab or enterprise, no matter how large or small, or how you choose to manage your own unique workflows, individual processes and data.
LABLynx understands the unique needs of Water / Wastewater laboratories and we provide configurations that not only fit those unique needs but we tailor those to work specifically for your lab. View the product demonstrations below to learn more about how the LABLynx ELab LIMS can work for your lab.
Below, are demonstrations and presentations. Anywhere you see this symbol, there is a multimedia demonstration available for you to view. Be sure to view these demonstrations with a PC that has audio speakers.
See the Ideal LIMS in action!
We offer you absolutely every opportunity to see and work with ELab before you buy, with a guided interactive tour by one of our implementation team project managers (not a salesman!). We offer a comprehensive library of multimedia product demonstrations that you can view on-line or you can work directly with the product before you purchase by arranging for a login account to ELab. There is no software to install and you can experience the full list of features, functions and capabilities of the ELab LIMS immediately to help you become better informed about the application of ELab to your particular needs.
For complete multimedia demos of the LABLynx ELab LIMS for Water/Wastewater laboratories:
Key LIMS functions for Water / Waste Water Laboratories
(Click the Links below to view individual demos)
Introduction & General Information
LABLynx Corporate Overview (20 min.)
System Technology (an IT perspective) (18 min.)
Overall System Flow and Functionality (16 min.)
Sample Receiving & Scheduling
Sample Scheduling (5 min.)
Pre-label Bottles (2 min.)
Sample Receiving (4 min)
Mobile Data Entry (2 min.)
Field Data Entry (1 min.)
Results Entry & Analysis
Assignment of Analysis (2 min.)
Manual Data Entry (2 min.)
Generate Benchsheets (2 min.)
Instrument Interfacing (2 min.)
Data Approvals (2 min.)
Reporting & Charting
Ad-Hoc Queries & Reports (5 min.)
Standard Reports (2 min.)
Custom Reports (7 min.)
QA/QC Reports (1 min.)
Automated Reports (2 min.)
Report Archiving and Version Control (2 min.)
Workload Management Reports (1 min.)
Results Trending & Control Charts (5 min.)
System Admin / Setup / Configuration
Clients/Locations/Sampling Points (2 min.)
LIMS Security (3 min.)
Audit Trails (1 min.)
Additional Functionality
Barcoding (2 min.)
GPS / GIS Integration (2 min.)
Document Management (1 min.)
Training Tracking & Certification (1 min.)
Instrument Calibration & Maintenance (2 min.)
Invoicing (1 min.)
LIMS Remote Access via Web (1 min.)
Questions & Answers
General Questions & Answers (user controlled)
The Ideal Technology
For your LIMS to be effective and offer both horizontal and vertical scalability now and as you grow and change, your solution must be constructed using the right technology. A rigid, inflexible product may seem tailored to your needs, but is it offered in a selection of packages so you can get only what you want and not pay for extra features that have no value for you? And is it designed so that you can introduce functionality in stages according to your own timeframe and budget? It should also be user-configurable and easily customizable so you aren’t joined at the hip to the vendor because of proprietary code.
These attributes all boil down to one very important concept: flexibility . Flexibility is the key to both general usability and continued effectiveness over time. The flexibility that allows you to tailor the system to your lab rather than modify your workflow and processes to fit an inflexible LIMS also means longevity as you add functionality or increase capacity as your enterprise grows and changes over time.
For a 15 Minute multimedia presentation on LABLynx ELab technology, click here.
The Ideal LIMS Company
An understanding of your type of lab is important in the company you choose to do business with. And a track record of success in the water/wastewater industry means you can expect the company to perform smoothly and effectively, with intuitive appreciation of the kinds of concerns that need to be met when providing a solution to your informatics needs.
The company’s background should include a history of a “can do” attitude that has led to successful system deployments, satisfied customers who continue to do business with the company and may contract additional services and products. Their project and technical approaches should convey the high level of personnel expertise required to ensure smooth and successful LIMS implementation, backed by a support and maintenance package that is both affordable and comprehensive enough to let you relax and concentrate on the business of your lab.
For a quick multimedia overview of LABLynx, Inc., our team and support services, click here.
LABlynx offers these valuable resources free:
- Free LIMSkit – the complete resource that every laboratory needs when evaluating LIMS products. The LIMSkit is published by the Laboratory Informatics Institute and provides specifications specific to the water / waste water laboratory.
- Free Demonstration CD – LABLynx provides multimedia demonstrations and comprehensive product, service and company information along with a vast repository of articles and case studies. The LABLynx eBook Library CD contains both the LIMSkit and complete library of LABLynx information and demonstrations.
- Free live interactive demo – Contact us and we will provide a demonstration site for your use in fully evaluating the LABLynx ELab products. You will require no software installation, only an Internet connection. We will also arrange a web based training session to get you started.
- Free On-Site LIMS specification consultation – Contact us for a free on-site consultation. We will provide a LIMS Consultant at no charge to develop a detailed LIMS specification that can be used to document your LIMS requirements and to develop a Request for Informatoin / Proposal (RFI/RFP).