Smart electronic laboratory notebooks for the NIST research environment

Smart electronic laboratory notebooks for the NIST research environment

No doubt, the traditional paper laboratory notebook isn’t quite enough in many of today’s modern labs. The research and fabrication labs of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) are no exception. This late 2015 paper published in the 

Journal of Research of NIST expands upon the changing technological needs for a better and improved laboratory notebook, even beyond the largely software-focused electronic laboratory notebook (ELN). Gates et al. discuss how they added the hardware component with their push for a “smart” electronic laboratory notebook (SELN) that is portable, intuitive, collaborative, and usable on tablet-based hardware in a cleanroom. They conclude their SELN “provides a comfortable portability and connectivity crucial to its role, and could actually also serve as a desktop replacement for many who do not require extremely powerful computing resources.”

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