AJINOMOTO EUROLYSINE Improves Animal Diets with StarLIMS
Today, consumers, food retailers and governments throughout Europe demand high standards of nutrition for farm animals. Ajinomoto is the global market leader in amino acids for animal feed. The company’s know-how enables AJINOMOTO EUROLYSINE S.A.S. to produce high quality amino acids, which help nutritionists and feed formulators to design balanced diets. Ajinomoto’s Lysine, Threonine and Tryptophan are nutritionally beneficial and environmentally friendly.
Modern farming is coming under increasing pressure to minimize its impact on the environment. This is particularly true in Europe where the density of livestock breeding is high and where more stringent environmental regulations have been put in place. The addition of Ajinomoto’s amino acids to feed, coupled with a reduction in the amount of protein which is fed to farm animals, results in the supply of amino acids more closely matching the animals’ natural requirements. Low protein diets supplemented with amino acids decrease nitrogen output into the environment by 15 to 30%. Feeding such diets is officially recognized as one of the very few techniques, which can reduce nitrogen excretion from farm animals.
For more on StarLIMS please visit: www.starlims.com