June 19, 2024 - 12:00 PM

Astrix Webinar – In the world of AI: Think Patient Not Technology

Past EventsWebinars

Event Organizer: Astrix

Event Website: https://astrixinc.com/news/astrix-webinar-in-the-world-of-ai-think-patient-not-technology/

Event Overview:

A webinar sponsored by Astrix 

Date: Wednesday, June 19th

Time:  12:00 PM EST / 9:00 AM PST

Presented by: Sriharsha Chigurupati – Head of Engineering, Slickbit & Gayatri Tadinada – Lifesciences Consultant, Slickbit


The largest stakeholder in the Life Sciences ecosystem is the patient. It is our continuous endeavour to design services keeping them at the centre.

With the latest advancements in technology we are at an opportune time to rethink our processes enabling the medicines to reach patients faster in a safe and effective manner.

Through this webinar, we would like to walk you through what technology can offer today and how it frees up lot of your time and productivity to think ‘What’s best for the patient’

Key Takeaways

  • Basics of AI terminology: Breaking down the definitions
  • Pace of software development before and after the AI boom
  • Different forms of LLMs and how can they be useful for Lifesciences
  • Democratization of AI services to build MVP applications for Lifesciences
  • Addressing concerns about data privacy, security, and potential bias in AI algorithms.

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