Automating Analytical Labs with a LIMS

By Dries Van Audenhove, Analytical specialist| August 2nd, 2018|Categories: Blog|

Living a healthy and balanced live in today’s world is becoming more of a challenge. The human nature for growth, success, and profit don’t always go hand-in-hand with a sustainable eco-friendly environment. The latest industrial revolution has left traces from which the world has yet to recover. In the end, it is the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat that makes up the environment we live in.

It is therefore paramount to provide safeguards against the deterioration of water, mitigate air pollution, and setup prevention of natural resource depletion. Governments and international organizations have already set up policies, regulations, and guidelines in order to achieve more control of pollution and protect the health of the general population. These regulations have set certain baseline standards but tend to become more strict as research discovers more distinct safety levels.