Autoscribe Highlights LIMS Configurability at Lab Innovations

Stand H6, Lab Innovations, NEC, Birmingham, UK, October 30 – 31, 2019

Known for its highly configurable LIMS solutions, Autoscribe Informatics will be putting the latest version of Matrix Gemini LIMS through its paces at Lab Innovations 2019. Visitors to the Autoscribe Informatics stand will be able to challenge the Autoscribe staff to configure a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) sample registration/submission screen in Matrix Gemini there and then.

Matrix Gemini’s unique graphical configuration tools provide the flexibility to configure the Matrix Gemini LIMS to meet the specific needs of any laboratory workflow without the need for custom programming. “We’re encouraging visitors to bring examples of their sample registration process to our stand and we’ll demonstrate just how quick and easy it is to create a sample registration or submission screen that is specifically relevant to their needs”, commented Autoscribe’s Managing Director, Steve Boother. Seeing a ‘real life’ configuration process carried out on the exhibition stand is a very powerful indicator of the versatility that Matrix Gemini has to offer.

Also being demonstrated will be our new biobank system, designed to help biobanks adopt ISBER best practice recommendations. Features include registering and storing specimens into the biobank, integrated consent management and equipment and storage location management.

Current users of Matrix Gemini will be interested in seeing some of the many new features in the latest release including:

  • “Containers” that may be configured as a staff Kanban board (to do list) or instrument allocation list
  • Extended QC run sheet functionality to further improve efficiency in busy labs

“Matrix Gemini has a highly flexible, user friendly graphical interface. Whether you are a small laboratory or an international corporation with many sites and complex requirements for each laboratory Matrix Gemini provides the perfect solution”, Steve continued. “The tremendous global growth that Autoscribe Informatics is experiencing across a diverse range of industries is testament to the fact that Matrix Gemini provides the perfect mix of capability and adaptability.”