Environmental Microbiology Monitoring – Keeping the Public Safe

Ensuring a clean (germ free) environment is a pre-requisite in a broad range of industries, from food and drink to pharmaceutical, medical devices, cosmetics and healthcare. In hospitals for instance it is now very common for regular swab testing to occur in hospital operating rooms and wards to provide an early warning of superbugs (like MRSA and C.Diff). 

The recent tightening of legislation in the food industry (Food Standards Modernization Act – FSMA) has also put a new emphasis on prevention regimes. Providing an early warning of increased microbial contamination in production and storage areas allows corrective action plans to be put in place well before any hygiene issues start to affect product quality and therefore profits.

The Matrix Gemini Environmental Monitoring module, from Autoscribe Informatics, provides a graphical view of sample location, linking this to the samples taken over time and the test results of those samples. Test results may be shown graphically to instantly identify trends at each sample point and deviations from the norm.


By Autoscribe Informatics