Next-Generation Sequencing Data Management / Applying Next-Generation Sequencing

Next-Generation Sequencing Data Management
September 26-28, 2011 • Providence, RI

NGS platforms now generate terabytes of genomic data, calling into question: What is the best way to benefit from this data bonanza? CHI’s Next-Generation Sequencing Data Management combines unique perspectives from a variety of researchers, engineers, biostatisticians, and software developers involved with NGS data management. This team of scientists will present case studies creating a common ground on which to explore how best to store, transfer, and analyze NGS data sets with the common goal of turning data into knowledge.

NGx: Applying Next-Generation Sequencing
September 26-28, 2011 • Providence, RI

While the cost of sequencing declines, use in academic, clinical, biotech, and pharmaceutical labs expands, paving the way for the creation of innovative new markets for bioresearch. By delivering fast, diverse, precise, and large volumes of data, NGS extends our fundamental understanding of genomics, mutation, and gene function and regulation. CHI’s Applying Next-Generation Sequencing investigates the applications of next-generation sequencing platforms as they apply to your specific research projects. Sessions will provide insights into the active genome through transcription, as well as the impact of sequencing on personalized medicine.