FEBRUARY 15, 2017 2:00 PM EST: Integrating STARLIMS™ with the Enterprise

Integrating STARLIMS™ with the Enterprise

Join us Wednesday, February 15, 2017 at 2:00pm EST

In order for a laboratory organization to perform its daily operations and attain its daily goals, it is frequently necessary to consume data that is managed in a variety of different systems, including LIMS and enterprise information systems such as ERP, CAPA, MES, EDMS, LMS, and EQM. Having to access multiple systems or manually populate data from one system to another presents significant efficiency, productivity, and compliance challenges. Integrating LIMS with these enterprise systems overcomes these challenges but historically has been deemed to be high risk and cost prohibitive. But with all the technological advances and the introduction of new STARLIMS™ features, is this the case for STARLIMS? Just what options are available to integrate STARLIMS with the enterprise?

Join us in this one hour complimentary webinar as we review some of the most popular mechanisms for STARLIMS integration along with an examination of some real world integration examples.


Key Takeaways:

  • Understand the different techniques available for STARLIMS integration
  • Explore the pros and cons of each of the available integration techniques
  • Learn from a case study where STARLIMS was integrated with SAP where the QM module had not been implemented
  • Learn a simple integration technique for improving compliance
  • Understand the quantitative and qualitative advantages to integrating STARLIMS to the enterprise

Who Should Attend?

  • Laboratory Supervisors, Managers and Directors
  • QA/R&D Professionals
  • IT Managers
  • STARLIMS system administrators

You will have the opportunity to speak directly with a CSols STARLIMS Expert and receive insight and real-time answers.

Register Now

This is a complimentary hour long presentation including a Q & A portion.

CSols Webinar Laboratory Informatics

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