Further software upgrades for Matrix Gemini LIMS
The latest software release for the Matrix Gemini Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) from Autoscribe Informatics provides greater bulk sample registration flexibility and enhanced features for visualisation and communications for users. These include the ability to define the location of a sampling point on an image, record a screenshot with a single button and add attachments to e-mails generated within the LIMS. These useful new features have all been introduced in response to suggestions from Matrix Gemini users. In addition performance improvements and security enhancements have been incorporated to keep Matrix Gemini the leading LIMS solution in its field.
The Bulk Sample Registration Module for Matrix Gemini provides a grid with spreadsheet-like data-entry functionality for registering large numbers of samples, bringing huge time saving benefits for users. Additional functionality includes the ability to add groups of tests to the grid and to create sample codes based on a parent sample code. Batch codes can now be entered manually and it is now possible to have more than one batch code per screen. Labels can now be printed from within the Bulk Sample Registration screen.
The new location mapping feature is ideal for users who need to take regular samples from the same locations. These could include boreholes/rivers and waste outlets in the water industry; site locations for air pollution monitoring stations; operating theatres and wards in hospitals for infection control; medical device and pharmaceutical production areas for sterility testing or food production areas for environmental monitoring.
Users may now import an image into Matrix Gemini, such as an area map or a floor plan of a facility or any place where samples are regularly taken. They can then mark the exact sampling location on this image. The test results associated with each location can be shown graphically and/or in tabular format to quickly see how results are changing over time. Out of limit results are automatically flagged by altering the icon that is displayed on the image, for example changing a green checkmark to a red cross. This allows immediate identification of issues and remedial action to be initiated, before the problem becomes a major issue resulting in a production line stop or a public safety concern.
Many users want to take a screenshot of a specific screen within Matrix Gemini for future reference. This is now a single button operation, using either the desktop or web user interface that is supplied as standard with Matrix Gemini. These screenshots may now also be attached to any e-mail generated from within the LIMS. This facility is not limited to the screenshots. Any file type may be attached, including PDFs and images.
Performance improvements to Matrix Gemini include speeding data entry with multiple users in certain circumstances and improving the performance of result entry while linking with results from other intra and inter-sample tests. The security enhancements improve robustness of the software, ensuring that data remains secure from unauthorised access.
All Matrix Gemini users are urged to update to v5.4.3.4 or greater to see the benefits of these functional, performance and security enhancements.