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This is a list of pages in the scope of Wikipedia:WikiProject Palaeontology along with pageviews.

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Period: 2024-03-01 to 2024-03-31

Total views: 12,477,746

Updated: 07:08, 8 April 2024 (UTC)

Rank Page title Views Daily average Assessment Importance
1 Achelousaurus 205,038 6,614 FA Low
2 Chicxulub crater 200,329 6,462 FA Mid
3 Dinosaur 187,184 6,038 FA Top
4 Neanderthal 133,525 4,307 GA High
5 Tyrannosaurus 126,435 4,078 FA High
6 Dodo 100,342 3,236 FA High
7 Megalodon 97,993 3,161 FA High
8 Geologic time scale 93,563 3,018 B High
9 Titanoboa 83,280 2,686 GA Mid
10 Human evolution 83,068 2,679 C Top
11 Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event 68,243 2,201 FA High
12 Homo 67,126 2,165 C High
13 Homo erectus 64,462 2,079 C Mid
14 Holocene 62,793 2,025 C High
15 Woolly mammoth 55,016 1,774 FA High
16 Extinction 54,601 1,761 C Mid
17 Denisovan 54,331 1,752 GA Mid
18 Ammonoidea 52,604 1,696 B High
19 Permian–Triassic extinction event 51,474 1,660 B High
20 Smilodon 51,117 1,648 FA High
21 Pleistocene 49,915 1,610 B High
22 Abiogenesis 49,500 1,596 GA High
23 Mammoth 49,321 1,591 B Top
24 Aurochs 48,880 1,576 GA High
25 Coelacanth 48,766 1,573 B High
26 Amber 48,326 1,558 B High
27 Life 48,298 1,558 GA Mid
28 Fossil 47,892 1,544 B Top
29 Extinction event 47,591 1,535 B High
30 Velociraptor 47,554 1,534 FA Mid
31 Cretaceous 46,820 1,510 B High
32 Mosasaurus 46,668 1,505 FA Mid
33 Cyanobacteria 46,544 1,501 B High
34 Spinosaurus 45,828 1,478 GA Mid
35 Jurassic 44,728 1,442 B Top
36 Triceratops 44,327 1,429 FA High
37 Vertebral column 42,720 1,378 C High
38 Cambrian 40,350 1,301 C High
39 Gondwana 39,391 1,270 C High
40 Pterosaur 39,087 1,260 GA High
41 Trilobite 37,711 1,216 B High
42 Cro-Magnon 37,570 1,211 GA Mid
43 Stegosaurus 37,315 1,203 FA Mid
44 History of Earth 37,090 1,196 B Top
45 Dire wolf 37,008 1,193 FA Mid
46 Early modern human 36,884 1,189 B High
47 Carboniferous 36,607 1,180 B High
48 Homo habilis 36,132 1,165 GA Mid
49 Mastodon 36,100 1,164 B High
50 Gigantopithecus 34,793 1,122 GA Low
51 Triassic 34,240 1,104 B High
52 Phylum 34,095 1,099 C Mid
53 Homo heidelbergensis 33,598 1,083 GA Low
54 Devonian 33,563 1,082 B High
55 Doggerland 33,324 1,074 C Mid
56 Moa 33,212 1,071 B Mid
57 Paleontology 33,175 1,070 GA Top
58 Quetzalcoatlus 32,154 1,037 C High
59 Mary Anning 31,652 1,021 FA Top
60 Desmostylus 31,628 1,020 Start Low
61 Archaeopteryx 31,211 1,006 FA High
62 Permian 30,873 995 B High
63 Cenozoic 30,438 981 C High
64 Titanosauria 29,786 960 B Mid
65 Radiocarbon dating 29,412 948 FA Top
66 Archaic humans 29,179 941 Start Low
67 Brontosaurus 29,139 939 GA High
68 Brachiosaurus 28,946 933 FA Mid
69 Synapsida 28,622 923 C High
70 Late Pleistocene extinctions 28,620 923 C Mid
71 Dilophosaurus 28,410 916 FA Mid
72 Australopithecus 28,405 916 C Mid
73 Giganotosaurus 28,322 913 FA Mid
74 Allosaurus 28,098 906 FA High
75 Mosasaur 28,069 905 B High
76 La Brea Tar Pits 27,487 886 B High
77 Neogene 27,351 882 B Top
78 Origin of language 27,315 881 C Low
79 2024 in archosaur paleontology 27,246 878 List Low
80 Livyatan 27,181 876 FA Low
81 Ordovician 26,822 865 B High
82 Early human migrations 26,742 862 B Low
83 Paleogene 25,966 837 C Top
84 Homo floresiensis 25,878 834 B Low
85 Megatherium 25,461 821 C Mid
86 Convergent evolution 25,352 817 GA High
87 Clade 24,986 806 C Mid
88 Cambrian explosion 24,627 794 B High
89 Elephant bird 24,624 794 B Low
90 Young Earth creationism 23,995 774 B Mid
91 Pterodactylus 23,985 773 GA High
92 Antediluvian 23,624 762 B Low
93 Archosaur 23,454 756 C High
94 Miocene 21,931 707 C High
95 Great Oxidation Event 21,833 704 C High
96 Diplodocus 21,617 697 FA Mid
97 Age of Earth 21,340 688 B Top
98 Deinonychus 21,208 684 FA Mid
99 Pachycephalosaurus 21,194 683 GA Low
100 Sauropoda 21,170 682 C Mid
101 Human taxonomy 21,149 682 C Low
102 Silurian 21,059 679 B High
103 Parasaurolophus 20,628 665 FA Low
104 Lungfish 20,575 663 C Low
105 Eocene 20,335 655 B High
106 Triassic–Jurassic extinction event 20,116 648 Start High
107 Phorusrhacidae 20,093 648 C High
108 Homo naledi 19,874 641 GA Low
109 Anomalocaris 19,854 640 C High
110 Plesiosaur 19,498 628 B High
111 Dimetrodon 19,260 621 GA High
112 Carnotaurus 19,237 620 FA Low
113 Timeline of the evolutionary history of life 19,123 616 B Top
114 Arctodus 18,914 610 B Mid
115 Pteranodon 18,317 590 GA High
116 Ground sloth 17,967 579 B Mid
117 Utahraptor 17,881 576 B Low
118 Argentinosaurus 17,848 575 FA Mid
119 History of life 17,842 575 GA Top
120 Ichthyosauria 17,637 568 B High
121 Stromatolite 17,625 568 B Top
122 Dunkleosteus 17,554 566 C Mid
123 Therizinosaurus 17,545 565 B Mid
124 Living fossil 17,438 562 Start Mid
125 Pliocene 17,256 556 B High
126 American lion 17,137 552 C Mid
127 Irish elk 16,860 543 C Mid
128 Sarcopterygii 16,838 543 C Mid
129 Stephen Jay Gould 16,813 542 GA Low
130 Pierre Teilhard de Chardin 16,727 539 B Low
131 Lepidodendron 16,512 532 Start Mid
132 Late Ordovician mass extinction 16,443 530 Start High
133 Earliest known life forms 16,417 529 C Top
134 Apatosaurus 16,273 524 FA High
135 Multicellular organism 16,181 521 C Low
136 Hallucigenia 16,154 521 C High
137 Largest prehistoric animals 15,670 505 List Low
138 Panthera spelaea 15,650 504 C Low
139 Petrified wood 15,593 503 Start Mid
140 Iguanodon 15,540 501 FA Mid
141 Jurassic Coast 14,957 482 GA High
142 Hatzegopteryx 14,633 472 GA Mid
143 Sauropsida 14,600 470 B Mid
144 Australopithecine 14,556 469 C High
145 Pakicetus 14,529 468 C Low
146 Eurypterid 14,204 458 GA Mid
147 Ediacaran biota 14,163 456 FA High
148 Deinosuchus 14,072 453 FA Mid
149 Therapsid 13,998 451 C High
150 Tethys Ocean 13,998 451 C Mid
151 East African Rift 13,990 451 B Mid
152 Spondylus 13,965 450 C Mid
153 Tiktaalik 13,851 446 GA High
154 Woolly rhinoceros 13,789 444 B High
155 List of dinosaur genera 13,702 442 FL Mid
156 Australopithecus afarensis 13,445 433 GA High
157 Thomas Henry Huxley 13,326 429 B High
158 Late Devonian extinction 13,118 423 C High
159 Paraceratherium 12,944 417 FA Mid
160 Homo antecessor 12,720 410 FA Low
161 Megalosaurus 12,448 401 GA Low
162 Foraminifera 12,166 392 C Mid
163 Peking Man 12,103 390 GA Mid
164 Cave bear 11,975 386 B Mid
165 Baryonyx 11,927 384 FA Low
166 Pleistocene wolf 11,894 383 C Mid
167 Perucetus 11,849 382 C Mid
168 Great American Interchange 11,717 377 C Mid
169 Evolution of the horse 11,668 376 B Mid
170 Evolution of mammals 11,454 369 B High
171 Cradle of Humankind 11,399 367 C Low
172 Carcharodontosaurus 11,298 364 GA Mid
173 Machairodontinae 11,271 363 C Low
174 Paleocene 11,228 362 FA High
175 Compsognathus 11,216 361 FA High
176 Patagotitan 11,212 361 Start Low
177 Oligocene 11,164 360 B High
178 Dendrochronology 11,162 360 B Low
179 Eutheria 11,160 360 Start Mid
180 Petrified Forest National Park 11,046 356 FA Low
181 RNA world 11,037 356 C Low
182 Radiometric dating 11,003 354 B Top
183 Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary 10,896 351 C High
184 Columbian mammoth 10,858 350 FA High
185 Ginkgo 10,701 345 Start Low
186 Sarcosuchus 10,642 343 B Mid
187 Homo ergaster 10,611 342 GA Mid
188 Megalania 10,567 340 Start Mid
189 Plesiosaurus 10,482 338 B High
190 Glyptodon 10,455 337 GA High
191 Lystrosaurus 10,454 337 B High
192 Origin of birds 10,442 336 B Mid
193 Sahelanthropus 10,396 335 C Low
194 Helicoprion 10,373 334 B Mid
195 Tarbosaurus 10,349 333 FA Low
196 Basilosaurus 10,259 330 C Low
197 Hadrosauridae 10,255 330 B Mid
198 List of human evolution fossils 10,187 328 List High
199 Evolution of sexual reproduction 10,168 328 B Mid
200 Thylacoleo 10,138 327 C Mid
201 Placoderm 10,033 323 C Mid
202 Ornithischia 10,032 323 B Mid
203 Primordial soup 9,982 322 Start Mid
204 Adaptive radiation 9,959 321 Start High
205 Black Sea deluge hypothesis 9,956 321 Start Low
206 Argentavis 9,933 320 C Low
207 Ceratopsia 9,877 318 C Mid
208 Ceratosaurus 9,824 316 FA Mid
209 Revival of the woolly mammoth 9,808 316 C Mid
210 Crystal Palace Dinosaurs 9,670 311 GA Mid
211 Java Man 9,439 304 GA High
212 Bruhathkayosaurus 9,278 299 C Low
213 Dakosaurus 9,261 298 C Mid
214 Coprolite 9,259 298 B High
215 Titanosaurus 9,193 296 Start Low
216 Liopleurodon 9,052 292 C Low
217 Georges Cuvier 9,050 291 B High
218 Tyrannosauridae 9,025 291 GA Mid
219 Spinosauridae 9,017 290 B Mid
220 Saurischia 8,891 286 B Mid
221 Evolutionary history of plants 8,865 285 B Top
222 Rodrigues solitaire 8,862 285 FA Low
223 Acrocanthosaurus 8,712 281 FA Low
224 Rhynchocephalia 8,666 279 C Mid
225 Homo longi 8,651 279 GA Low
226 Feathered dinosaur 8,627 278 C High
227 Troodon 8,559 276 B Mid
228 Olduvai Gorge 8,519 274 C Mid
229 Homo luzonensis 8,515 274 GA High
230 Cynodont 8,415 271 Start High
231 Australopithecus africanus 8,392 270 GA Mid
232 Sacabambaspis 8,307 267 Start Low
233 Avemetatarsalia 8,236 265 Start Mid
234 Majungasaurus 8,160 263 FA Low
235 Lepidosauria 8,157 263 C Mid
236 Odobenidae 8,131 262 Stub Low
237 Styracosaurus 8,125 262 FA Low
238 History of lions in Europe 8,065 260 Start Low
239 Arctotherium 8,034 259 B Low
240 2024 in reptile paleontology 8,016 258 List Low
241 Diprotodon 8,004 258 GA Mid
242 Bone Wars 7,947 256 FA Low
243 Pseudosuchia 7,890 254 Start Mid
244 Aepyornis 7,885 254 C Low
245 Coelophysis 7,761 250 B Low
246 Lazarus taxon 7,755 250 Start Mid
247 Edmontosaurus 7,693 248 FA Low
248 Elasmotherium 7,642 246 C Low
249 Mammoth steppe 7,620 245 C Low
250 Meganeura 7,613 245 Start Low
251 Hell Creek Formation 7,532 242 C Low
252 Evolution of human intelligence 7,513 242 Start Low
253 Gomphothere 7,433 239 Start Low
254 Homo rudolfensis 7,403 238 GA Low
255 Homo rhodesiensis 7,382 238 Start Low
256 Psittacosaurus 7,349 237 FA Mid
257 Archosauromorpha 7,307 235 Start Mid
258 Protoceratops 7,300 235 B Low
259 Evolution of fish 7,299 235 C High
260 Arthropleura 7,295 235 Start Mid
261 Marie Stopes 7,265 234 B Low
262 Elasmosaurus 7,247 233 FA Mid
263 Herrerasaurus 7,233 233 FA Low
264 Conodont 7,226 233 Start Low
265 Tapirus 7,219 232 Start Low
266 Avialae 7,173 231 Start Mid
267 Petrifaction 7,153 230 C High
268 2024 in paleontology 7,120 229 List Low
269 Banded iron formation 7,117 229 GA Top
270 Evolution of cetaceans 7,094 228 GA Mid
271 Radiolaria 7,076 228 C High
272 Archelon 7,070 228 GA High
273 Mammaliaformes 7,052 227 Start High
274 Albertosaurus 6,975 225 FA Mid
275 Paranthropus 6,917 223 GA Mid
276 Australian megafauna 6,893 222 C Low
277 List of informally named dinosaurs 6,887 222 List Mid
278 Whippomorpha 6,849 220 Start Low
279 Lobopodia 6,843 220 C High
280 Aquatic ape hypothesis 6,802 219 C Mid
281 Gorgonopsia 6,772 218 GA High
282 Opabinia 6,760 218 GA High
283 Cave hyena 6,744 217 C Low
284 Straight-tusked elephant 6,732 217 Start Low
285 Palaeoloxodon 6,696 216 B Low
286 Neoaves 6,696 216 Start Mid
287 Tullimonstrum 6,687 215 C Mid
288 Pliosaurus 6,673 215 B Mid
289 Andrewsarchus 6,609 213 C Low
290 Glyptodont 6,573 212 Start Low
291 Temnospondyli 6,439 207 GA High
292 Steppe bison 6,388 206 Start Low
293 Metriorhynchus 6,369 205 Start Low
294 Ardipithecus 6,318 203 Start Low
295 Entelodontidae 6,308 203 B Mid
296 Transitional fossil 6,302 203 GA Top
297 Gallimimus 6,212 200 FA Mid
298 Dwarf elephant 6,190 199 Start Mid
299 Baltic amber 6,185 199 Start Mid
300 Introduction to evolution 6,161 198 B Mid
301 Stegodon 6,154 198 B Low
302 Tyrannosauroidea 6,146 198 GA Mid
303 Diapsid 6,121 197 Start High
304 Steppe mammoth 6,059 195 Start Mid
305 Burgess Shale 6,049 195 Start High
306 Ankylosauria 6,038 194 C Mid
307 Maniraptora 5,999 193 C Mid
308 Irritator 5,996 193 FA Low
309 Anatomically modern human 5,986 193 Redirect NA
310 Dreadnoughtus 5,901 190 B Low
311 Saber-toothed predator 5,893 190 Start Mid
312 Radiodonta 5,871 189 B Low
313 Capitanian mass extinction event 5,865 189 C Low
314 Evolution of the wolf 5,846 188 B Low
315 Tylosaurus 5,830 188 B Mid
316 Richard Owen 5,814 187 C Low
317 Mixtotherium 5,812 187 GA Low
318 Gorgosaurus 5,795 186 FA Low
319 Crocodylomorpha 5,794 186 Start High
320 Yutyrannus 5,758 185 C Mid
321 Sauropodomorpha 5,755 185 C Mid
322 Suchomimus 5,749 185 B Low
323 Archelosauria 5,749 185 Stub Low
324 Megarachne 5,740 185 FA High
325 Beelzebufo 5,710 184 C Low
326 Paleoart 5,649 182 GA High
327 Alamosaurus 5,647 182 B Low
328 Miracinonyx 5,614 181 B Mid
329 Belemnitida 5,595 180 GA High
330 Trace fossil 5,589 180 B Top
331 Khinjaria 5,587 180 C Low
332 Prototaxites 5,580 180 B High
333 Homotherium 5,554 179 C Mid
334 Paraves 5,553 179 C High
335 Yuka (mammoth) 5,536 178 Stub Low
336 Stegosauria 5,534 178 B Mid
337 Rhamphorhynchus 5,481 176 B High
338 Deinotherium 5,462 176 C High
339 Torvosaurus 5,433 175 B Low
340 Camelops 5,383 173 Start Low
341 Plateosaurus 5,378 173 FA Low
342 Palaeoloxodon namadicus 5,370 173 Start Low
343 Daspletosaurus 5,360 172 FA Low
344 Pleistocene megafauna 5,314 171 Redirect NA
345 Ornithopoda 5,294 170 Start Mid
346 Kronosaurus 5,270 170 B Mid
347 Saurophaganax 5,257 169 B Low
348 Anchiornis 5,252 169 B Low
349 Diplocaulus 5,247 169 C Low
350 Jack Horner (paleontologist) 5,241 169 Start Mid
351 Dinocephalosaurus 5,240 169 GA Low
352 Enantiornithes 5,208 168 B Mid
353 Purussaurus 5,184 167 Start Mid
354 Rising Star Cave 5,182 167 C High
355 Ichthyosaurus 5,154 166 Start High
356 Carcharodontosauridae 5,152 166 C Low
357 Zuul 5,133 165 B Mid
358 Megaloceros 5,128 165 Start Mid
359 2024 in paleomammalogy 5,080 163 List Unknown
360 Australian lungfish 5,073 163 C Low
361 Otodus 5,070 163 Start Mid
362 Titanis 5,068 163 FA High
363 Mamenchisaurus 5,059 163 B Low
364 Inostrancevia 5,041 162 B Mid
365 Archosauriformes 5,028 162 Start Low
366 Camarasaurus 5,020 161 B Low
367 Azhdarchidae 4,993 161 C Mid
368 Pelagornis 4,989 160 C Low
369 Rejection of evolution by religious groups 4,989 160 B High
370 Megalonyx 4,970 160 C Low
371 Gastornis 4,957 159 B Low
372 Rodan (film) 4,947 159 C High
373 Megacerops 4,945 159 Start High
374 Coccolithophore 4,933 159 B High
375 Paleoclimatology 4,928 158 C High
376 Eohippus 4,923 158 Start High
377 Orthoceras 4,896 157 Start High
378 Leedsichthys 4,885 157 B Low
379 Neotheropoda 4,871 157 Stub Low
380 Morrison Formation 4,867 157 B High
381 Early expansions of hominins out of Africa 4,855 156 B Low
382 Graptolite 4,847 156 C Mid
383 Acanthodii 4,841 156 C Mid
384 History of biology 4,836 156 FA Mid
385 Carnosauria 4,808 155 Start Low
386 Boring Billion 4,804 154 GA Low
387 Pachyrhinosaurus 4,783 154 B Low
388 Castoroides 4,781 154 Start Mid
389 Ambulocetus 4,769 153 FA Low
390 Isurus 4,752 153 Start Low
391 Dinosauromorpha 4,732 152 Start Mid
392 Pliosauroidea 4,728 152 Start Low
393 Cryolophosaurus 4,708 151 GA Low
394 Sauropterygia 4,698 151 C High
395 Pelycosaur 4,691 151 C High
396 Tetrapodomorpha 4,684 151 Start Mid
397 Amargasaurus 4,677 150 FA Mid
398 George Bax Holmes 4,662 150 Start Low
399 Ceratopsidae 4,658 150 C Low
400 List of extinction events 4,652 150 List Mid
401 Paleobotany 4,622 149 C Top
402 Schöningen spears 4,614 148 C Mid
403 Giraffatitan 4,601 148 C Mid
404 Kentrosaurus 4,597 148 GA Mid
405 Dicynodont 4,596 148 C High
406 Paranthropus boisei 4,580 147 GA Mid
407 Postosuchus 4,579 147 B High
408 Sivapithecus 4,568 147 Start Low
409 Pyroraptor 4,563 147 B Low
410 Crown group 4,553 146 C Mid
411 Amphicyonidae 4,548 146 C High
412 Sauroposeidon 4,533 146 B Mid
413 Edward Drinker Cope 4,530 146 FA High
414 Abelisauridae 4,495 145 GA Low
415 Molecular clock 4,422 142 C Top
416 William Buckland 4,407 142 C Mid
417 Thyreophora 4,403 142 C Low
418 Pleistocene Park 4,403 142 C Low
419 Evolution of the eye 4,392 141 C High
420 Dickinsonia 4,388 141 B High
421 Tanis (fossil site) 4,381 141 C High
422 Phytosaur 4,378 141 C High
423 Bison latifrons 4,354 140 Start Low
424 Eoraptor 4,341 140 B Low
425 Torosaurus 4,315 139 C Low
426 Megaraptora 4,311 139 C Low
427 Mapusaurus 4,275 137 C Low
428 Dimorphodon 4,262 137 C High
429 Procoptodon 4,260 137 Start Mid
430 Lagerstätte 4,257 137 B Top
431 Malagasy hippopotamus 4,248 137 GA Low
432 Eocene–Oligocene extinction event 4,244 136 Start Mid
433 List of examples of convergent evolution 4,241 136 List High
434 Gigantophis 4,217 136 Start Low
435 Concavenator 4,212 135 C Low
436 Acanthomorpha 4,211 135 Stub Low
437 Teratornis 4,210 135 Start Low
438 Aetosaur 4,204 135 GA Mid
439 Allosauroidea 4,195 135 C Low
440 Jaekelopterus 4,188 135 FA Low
441 Australopithecus sediba 4,183 134 GA Low
442 Meganisoptera 4,181 134 Start Low
443 Supersaurus 4,156 134 B Low
444 Borophaginae 4,135 133 Start Low
445 Geochronology 4,128 133 C High
446 Ulysses S. Grant IV 4,111 132 Start Low
447 Catodontherium 4,099 132 B Low
448 Dmanisi hominins 4,084 131 GA Low
449 Kaprosuchus 4,082 131 Start Mid
450 Pachycrocuta 4,076 131 B Low
451 Orrorin 4,070 131 Start Low
452 Ghost Ranch 4,056 130 Start Low
453 Dakotaraptor 4,048 130 B Low
454 Megantereon 4,033 130 C Low
455 Gigantosaurus 4,018 129 Stub Low
456 Herto Man 4,010 129 GA High
457 Richard Leakey 4,005 129 C Low
458 Barosaurus 3,991 128 B Low
459 Pikaia 3,985 128 C Low
460 Dinosaur National Monument 3,983 128 C Mid
461 Pachycephalosauria 3,947 127 C Low
462 Majungasaurinae 3,943 127 C Low
463 Dryopithecus 3,922 126 GA Low
464 Catastrophism 3,909 126 Start Low
465 Brontotheriidae 3,867 124 Start High
466 Shonisaurus 3,862 124 Start Low
467 Dromaeosaurus 3,862 124 B Mid
468 Paratethys 3,839 123 C Low
469 Ardipithecus ramidus 3,835 123 GA Low
470 List of possible impact structures on Earth 3,828 123 List Mid
471 Graecopithecus 3,824 123 C Low
472 Nimravidae 3,819 123 Start High
473 Maraapunisaurus 3,816 123 B Low
474 Flood geology 3,811 122 B Mid
475 Ichthyostega 3,810 122 C High
476 Achillobator 3,801 122 B Mid
477 Glossopteris 3,800 122 B Mid
478 Doedicurus 3,773 121 GA Mid
479 Daeodon 3,767 121 B Low
480 Tanystropheus 3,759 121 B Mid
481 Nakalipithecus 3,719 119 GA Low
482 Allan Hills 84001 3,711 119 B High
483 Dorudon 3,674 118 C Low
484 Taphonomy 3,673 118 B Top
485 Chasmosaurus 3,662 118 B Low
486 Sinosauropteryx 3,657 117 GA Low
487 Dinosaur classification 3,646 117 Start Mid
488 Sivatherium 3,641 117 Start Low
489 Therizinosauria 3,634 117 C Mid
490 Xiphactinus 3,629 117 Start Mid
491 Megaraptor 3,622 116 Start Low
492 History of paleontology 3,610 116 GA High
493 Hyaenodon 3,605 116 C High
494 Ornithomimus 3,592 115 C Low
495 Fighting Dinosaurs 3,580 115 Start Mid
496 Evolution of reptiles 3,573 115 C High
497 All Yesterdays 3,571 115 Start Low
498 Ostracoderm 3,558 114 C High
499 Kenyanthropus 3,550 114 GA Low
500 Euoplocephalus 3,549 114 B Mid
501 Palaeoloxodon falconeri 3,547 114 Start Low
502 James Parkinson 3,536 114 C Low
503 List of fossil sites 3,527 113 List Top
504 Coal forest 3,519 113 C Low
505 Microbial mat 3,511 113 B High
506 Bison antiquus 3,509 113 Start Low
507 Geological history of oxygen 3,493 112 C Mid
508 Edaphosaurus 3,492 112 C Mid
509 Purgatorius 3,481 112 C Mid
510 Carboniferous rainforest collapse 3,476 112 C Mid
511 Paranthropus robustus 3,473 112 GA Mid
512 Hesperornis 3,471 111 C Low
513 Atrociraptor 3,450 111 Stub Low
514 Rajasaurus 3,443 111 GA Low
515 Maip 3,439 110 C Low
516 Solo Man 3,437 110 FA Low
517 Cameroceras 3,433 110 C Mid
518 Tetanurae 3,417 110 B Mid
519 Ornithomimosauria 3,413 110 C Mid
520 Chalicotheriidae 3,404 109 Start Low
521 Walking with Monsters 3,394 109 B Low
522 Indohyus 3,392 109 C Low
523 Ankylosauridae 3,387 109 B Low
524 Archaeological site of Atapuerca 3,377 108 C Low
525 Platybelodon 3,377 108 Start Mid
526 Tianyuan man 3,366 108 Stub Low
527 Dromornithidae 3,337 107 C Low
528 Kelenken 3,333 107 FA High
529 Dinosaur Park Formation 3,331 107 C Low
530 Procompsognathus 3,330 107 C Low
531 Microbiotheria 3,312 106 Stub Mid
532 Epicyon 3,311 106 C Low
533 Euxinia 3,298 106 B Low
534 2023 in archosaur paleontology 3,282 105 List Low
535 Maniraptoriformes 3,278 105 Start Mid
536 Iguanodontia 3,277 105 Stub Low
537 Ceratosauria 3,275 105 Start Low
538 Cretoxyrhina 3,267 105 FA Mid
539 Shantungosaurus 3,264 105 Start Low
540 Moeritherium 3,237 104 C Low
541 Plesiadapiformes 3,232 104 Start Low
542 Tyrannotitan 3,223 103 Start Mid
543 Omo remains 3,217 103 Start Low
544 Dromornis 3,215 103 Start Low
545 Hypsilophodon 3,199 103 C Low
546 Nothosaurus 3,191 102 Start Low
547 Walking with... 3,188 102 B Low
548 Macrauchenia 3,182 102 C Mid
549 Latimeria 3,179 102 B Low
550 Eremotherium 3,176 102 B Low
551 Rugosa 3,163 102 Start Mid
552 Subfossil lemur 3,163 102 FA Low
553 Crocodyliformes 3,162 102 Start High
554 Lambeosaurus 3,158 101 FA Low
555 List of U.S. state fossils 3,151 101 List Mid
556 Rauisuchia 3,149 101 C Low
557 Denny (hybrid hominin) 3,146 101 C Mid
558 Steropodon 3,137 101 Start Low
559 South Island giant moa 3,136 101 Stub Low
560 Rhynia 3,134 101 Start Low
561 Archaeoindris 3,131 101 FA Low
562 Neodiapsida 3,123 100 Start Low
563 Rosamygale 3,122 100 Start Low
564 Dinosaurus 3,121 100 Start Low
565 Moschidae 3,111 100 Stub Low
566 Cryptoprocta spelea 3,111 100 FA Low
567 Megalosauridae 3,105 100 B Low
568 Australopithecus anamensis 3,097 99 C Low
569 Gargano 3,097 99 Start Low
570 Therocephalia 3,094 99 C Mid
571 Absolute dating 3,086 99 C Top
572 Plesiadapis 3,077 99 C Low
573 Nanuqsaurus 3,071 99 B Low
574 Multituberculata 3,068 98 Start Mid
575 Parareptilia 3,055 98 Start Low
576 Alioramus 3,053 98 GA Low
577 Labyrinthodontia 3,052 98 B Low
578 Robert T. Bakker 3,050 98 Start Mid
579 List of U.S. state dinosaurs 3,044 98 List Low
580 Walking with Beasts 3,040 98 Stub Low
581 Oxalaia 3,031 97 FA Low
582 Othniel Charles Marsh 3,024 97 Start Mid
583 Rhipidistia 3,023 97 Start Mid
584 Hominina 3,022 97 Redirect NA
585 Paleoallium 3,019 97 B Low
586 Proailurus 3,009 97 C Low
587 Austroraptor 2,993 96 B Low
588 Barinasuchus 2,988 96 Stub Low
589 Thylacosmilus 2,987 96 C Low
590 Pygmy mammoth 2,987 96 C Low
591 Wadi al Hitan 2,985 96 C Low
592 Franz Nopcsa von Felső-Szilvás 2,975 95 C Low
593 Pterosaur size 2,956 95 Start Mid
594 Tenontosaurus 2,939 94 B Low
595 Choristodera 2,939 94 C Mid
596 Tyrannosaurinae 2,921 94 C Low
597 Proconsul (mammal) 2,920 94 Start Mid
598 Gojirasaurus 2,888 93 Start Low
599 Dinosaur egg 2,886 93 C Mid
600 Struthiomimus 2,884 93 B Low
601 Australovenator 2,875 92 C Low
602 Sphenacodontia 2,873 92 Stub Low
603 Prognathodon 2,864 92 B Low
604 Carnivoramorpha 2,864 92 Start High
605 Stegocephali 2,860 92 Start Low
606 Cotylorhynchus 2,858 92 Start Low
607 Moschops 2,857 92 Start Mid
608 Molecular phylogenetics 2,853 92 C Mid
609 Panthera tigris soloensis 2,852 92 Start Low
610 Cooksonia 2,852 92 C Mid
611 Stegosauridae 2,846 91 B Low
612 Hesperocyoninae 2,835 91 Stub Low
613 Megapiranha 2,820 90 C Low
614 Haikouichthys 2,818 90 Start Low
615 Peltocephalus maturin 2,817 90 C Low
616 Chicxulub impactor 2,812 90 Redirect NA
617 Quinkana 2,810 90 B Mid
618 Averostra 2,777 89 Stub Low
619 Platanistidae 2,772 89 Stub Low
620 Paleolithic dog 2,756 88 Start Mid
621 Oviraptorosauria 2,755 88 B Low
622 Myotragus 2,748 88 Start Low
623 Altispinax 2,737 88 Start Low
624 Arsinoitherium 2,736 88 Start Low
625 Southern Dispersal 2,732 88 Start Mid
626 Fasolasuchus 2,730 88 Stub Low
627 Ichthyornis 2,729 88 C Low
628 Thescelosaurus 2,729 88 FA Low
629 Acanthostega 2,727 87 C High
630 Guanlong 2,722 87 Start Low
631 Archaeoceti 2,716 87 Start Mid
632 Outburst flood 2,709 87 B Low
633 Mammutidae 2,708 87 Start Mid
634 Hemicyoninae 2,706 87 Stub Mid
635 Paraceratheriidae 2,706 87 Start Low
636 Sparassodonta 2,703 87 C Low
637 List of index fossils 2,702 87 List Top
638 Protopterus 2,693 86 C Low
639 Ouranosaurus 2,689 86 B Low
640 Panthera fossilis 2,675 86 C Low
641 Dryosaurus 2,669 86 C Low
642 Allenbya collinsonae 2,662 85 B Low
643 Eryops 2,661 85 C Mid
644 Diplodocidae 2,658 85 B Low
645 Toxodon 2,656 85 Start Low
646 Mesosaurus 2,656 85 Start Low
647 Pulmonoscorpius 2,648 85 Start Low
648 Monolophosaurus 2,646 85 C Low
649 Scelidosaurus 2,641 85 GA Low
650 Pentaceratops 2,639 85 C Mid
651 Mylodon 2,636 85 C Low
652 Castoridae 2,635 85 Start Low
653 Mongolarachne 2,629 84 C Low
654 Cladoxylopsida 2,628 84 Stub Low
655 Neovenator 2,618 84 C Low
656 Nasutoceratops 2,613 84 GA Low
657 Camptosaurus 2,609 84 C Low
658 List of African animals extinct in the Holocene 2,608 84 List Low
659 Eureptilia 2,600 83 Start Low
660 Limulus 2,596 83 Stub Low
661 Macroraptorial sperm whale 2,591 83 C Low
662 Otodontidae 2,589 83 Stub Low
663 Yangchuanosaurus 2,581 83 C Low
664 Tabon Man 2,576 83 C Low
665 Paleobiota of the Hell Creek Formation 2,574 83 List Unknown
666 Favosites 2,572 82 Stub Low
667 Cro-Magnon rock shelter 2,571 82 Start High
668 Zhuchengtyrannus 2,568 82 Start Low
669 Phorusrhacos 2,566 82 Start Low
670 Evolution of tetrapods 2,564 82 C High
671 Enhydriodon 2,562 82 B Low
672 Vetulicolia 2,559 82 Start Mid
673 Meiolania 2,558 82 Start Low
674 Archaeopteris 2,554 82 C Mid
675 Lythronax 2,552 82 FA Low
676 Notoungulata 2,548 82 C Mid
677 Nyctosaurus 2,536 81 C Mid
678 Voay 2,530 81 Start Low
679 Dinocaridida 2,529 81 C Mid
680 Nodosauridae 2,528 81 C Low
681 Obdurodon 2,523 81 C Low
682 Roy Chapman Andrews 2,522 81 C Mid
683 Edmontonia 2,514 81 B Low
684 Hațeg Island 2,513 81 Start Low
685 Shastasaurus 2,513 81 Start Mid
686 Lepospondyli 2,509 80 C Mid
687 Maotianshan Shales 2,507 80 C High
688 Pennaraptora 2,506 80 Stub Low
689 Deltadromeus 2,499 80 Start Low
690 Megalosauroidea 2,497 80 C Low
691 Sigilmassasaurus 2,496 80 B Low
692 2024 in paleoichthyology 2,495 80 List Low
693 Dinofelis 2,480 80 Start Low
694 Calamites 2,480 80 C Low
695 Pangalloanserae 2,478 79 Stub Low
696 Basilosauridae 2,472 79 C Low
697 Kem Kem Group 2,459 79 Stub Low
698 Ginkgoales 2,449 79 Start Low
699 K–Ar dating 2,448 78 B Mid
700 Smok wawelski 2,448 78 Start Low
701 Charnia 2,447 78 C Mid
702 Amphicyon 2,446 78 B High
703 Relative dating 2,430 78 C Top
704 Glossary of dinosaur anatomy 2,426 78 C Mid
705 Meganeuropsis 2,424 78 Start Low
706 Desmostylia 2,420 78 Start Low
707 Morganucodon 2,419 78 C Mid
708 Brachiosauridae 2,414 77 B Low
709 Macronaria 2,411 77 Start Low
710 Kirk Johnson (scientist) 2,410 77 Start Low
711 Artiopoda 2,410 77 Start Low
712 Wattieza 2,410 77 Start Mid
713 Nemegt Formation 2,409 77 Start Low
714 Anzu wyliei 2,408 77 C Low
715 Sinoceratops 2,406 77 GA Low
716 Pakicetidae 2,401 77 Start Low
717 Chasmosaurinae 2,397 77 Start Low
718 List of prehistoric mammals 2,396 77 List Mid
719 Confuciusornis 2,395 77 B Low
720 Ornitholestes 2,394 77 B Low
721 Snakefly 2,393 77 GA Mid
722 Creodonta 2,388 77 Start High
723 Repenomamus 2,387 77 C Mid
724 Ottoia 2,385 76 Start Low
725 Lipotidae 2,385 76 Stub Low
726 Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology 2,384 76 Start Low
727 Panthera blytheae 2,384 76 C Low
728 Australopithecus garhi 2,360 76 GA Low
729 Abelisaurus 2,354 75 C Low
730 Sinornithosaurus 2,354 75 B Low
731 Archaeocyatha 2,353 75 Start Mid
732 Evolutionary radiation 2,348 75 Start Mid
733 James Gurney 2,347 75 Start Low
734 Dickwhitea 2,346 75 C Low
735 Orcinus citoniensis 2,343 75 GA Low
736 Homo sapiens sapiens 2,338 75 Redirect NA
737 Panthera leo sinhaleyus 2,333 75 Start Low
738 Eupelycosauria 2,332 75 Start Low
739 Cuvieronius 2,331 75 C Low
740 Conulariida 2,330 75 Start Low
741 Gomphotherium 2,327 75 Start Low
742 Machairodus 2,320 74 C High
743 Altamura Man 2,319 74 Start Unknown
744 Pliosauridae 2,318 74 Stub Mid
745 Therizinosauridae 2,316 74 B Low
746 Bennettitales 2,309 74 B Mid
747 Muttaburrasaurus 2,307 74 C Low
748 Teratornithidae 2,306 74 Start Low
749 Thalassocnus 2,304 74 GA Low
750 Scutosaurus 2,300 74 Start Low
751 Herrerasauridae 2,287 73 Start Low
752 Lists of prehistoric fish 2,284 73 List Low
753 Cervalces scotti 2,281 73 Start Low
754 Nanosaurus 2,280 73 B Low
755 Scansoriopterygidae 2,278 73 C Low
756 Uintatherium 2,273 73 Start Low
757 Hyaenodonta 2,272 73 Start High
758 Edmontosaurus annectens 2,270 73 B Low
759 Mesonychia 2,270 73 C Mid
760 Hagerman horse 2,269 73 Start Low
761 Beringian wolf 2,268 73 FA Low
762 Robert M. Schoch 2,268 73 C Low
763 Blue amber 2,264 73 Start Low
764 Koolasuchus 2,263 73 Start Mid
765 Pteridospermatophyta 2,250 72 Start High
766 Lepidosauromorpha 2,250 72 Stub Mid
767 Rookery 2,245 72 Stub Low
768 Palaeeudyptes klekowskii 2,240 72 Start Low
769 Monoplacophora 2,240 72 Start High
770 Baculites 2,239 72 C Mid
771 Allosauridae 2,233 72 Start Low
772 Green River Formation 2,219 71 Start Mid
773 Mosasauria 2,218 71 B Low
774 Pterodactyloidea 2,216 71 C Mid
775 Greenlandian 2,215 71 Stub Low
776 Riojavenatrix 2,215 71 Stub Low
777 Chronological dating 2,204 71 C High
778 Gryphaea 2,204 71 Start Low
779 Thalattosuchia 2,198 70 Start Mid
780 Aegirocassis 2,194 70 C Low
781 Pseudosporochnales 2,181 70 Stub Low
782 Chororapithecus 2,168 69 GA Low
783 Dinocephalia 2,167 69 Start Mid
784 Mazon Creek fossil beds 2,163 69 Start Mid
785 Centrosaurinae 2,162 69 B Low
786 Rauisuchidae 2,159 69 Start Mid
787 Mastodonsaurus 2,156 69 Start Low
788 Dinornis 2,155 69 Start Low
789 Thylacoleo carnifex 2,154 69 Redirect NA
790 Sea Monsters (TV series) 2,152 69 GA Low
791 Casuarius lydekkeri 2,148 69 Stub Low
792 Patagomaia 2,147 69 Stub Low
793 Lisowicia 2,126 68 Start Mid
794 Luminescence dating 2,126 68 Start Mid
795 Kwanasaurus 2,125 68 C Low
796 Noasauridae 2,124 68 C Low
797 Genyornis 2,123 68 Start Mid
798 Qianzhousaurus 2,118 68 B Low
799 Saltasaurus 2,118 68 C Mid
800 Xenocyon 2,118 68 Start Low
801 Navajo Sandstone 2,108 68 C Low
802 Squalicorax 2,104 67 Start Low
803 Megaladapis 2,104 67 C Low
804 Hippidion 2,101 67 Start Low
805 Yixian Formation 2,100 67 C Mid
806 Ankylopollexia 2,099 67 Start Mid
807 Avalon explosion 2,098 67 Start Low
808 Pantestudines 2,094 67 Stub Low
809 List of dinosaurs of the Morrison Formation 2,089 67 List Mid
810 South American lungfish 2,086 67 C Low
811 Cat gap 2,084 67 Start Mid
812 Erythrosuchus 2,082 67 C Low
813 Evolutionary arms race 2,078 67 Start Low
814 List of extinct cetaceans 2,074 66 List Low
815 William Smith (geologist) 2,073 66 B Low
816 Hesperornithes 2,068 66 C Mid
817 Chalicotherium 2,066 66 B Mid
818 Probainognathia 2,063 66 Start Low
819 Dacentrurus 2,061 66 B Low
820 Caitlín R. Kiernan 2,058 66 C Low
821 Lepidodendrales 2,058 66 Start Mid
822 Balaur bondoc 2,057 66 GA Low
823 Thrinaxodon 2,054 66 Start High
824 Avetheropoda 2,053 66 Stub Low
825 Permineralization 2,053 66 Start Mid
826 Meganthropus 2,053 66 Start Low
827 Ichthyovenator 2,052 66 FA Low
828 Micropachycephalosaurus 2,052 66 Start Low
829 Arambourgiania 2,047 66 C Mid
830 Nyasasaurus 2,047 66 C Low
831 Cynognathus 2,043 65 C Low
832 Hylonomus 2,041 65 Start Mid
833 Eurypterus 2,040 65 B High
834 Blastoid 2,039 65 Start Mid
835 Cerutti Mastodon site 2,038 65 Start Low
836 Lists of extinct animals 2,035 65 Redirect Mid
837 Endoceras 2,021 65 Start Low
838 Kimberella 2,018 65 GA Low
839 Lee Berger (paleoanthropologist) 2,012 64 C Low
840 Sphenacodontidae 2,012 64 Start Low
841 Metriacanthosaurus 2,010 64 Start Low
842 Paleobiology 2,000 64 C Mid
843 Megalochelys 1,994 64 Stub Low
844 Amphechinus 1,994 64 Stub Low
845 Lists of prehistoric animals 1,992 64 List Low
846 Temnodontosaurus 1,989 64 B High
847 Nummulite 1,989 64 Start Mid
848 Masiakasaurus 1,987 64 B Low
849 Embolotherium 1,978 63 Start Low
850 Panthera gombaszoegensis 1,975 63 Start Low
851 Chinle Formation 1,974 63 Start Low
852 Massospondylus 1,970 63 FA Low
853 Fukuiraptor 1,964 63 B Low
854 Stethacanthus 1,964 63 C Low
855 Saurosuchus 1,958 63 Start Mid
856 Marrella 1,957 63 C Low
857 Sinraptor 1,955 63 Start Low
858 Hippopotamus gorgops 1,954 63 C Low
859 Proarticulata 1,952 62 Start Mid
860 Stupendemys 1,950 62 GA Low
861 Specimens of Archaeopteryx 1,947 62 B Low
862 Childs Frick 1,943 62 Start Low
863 Ophthalmosaurus 1,941 62 C High
864 Kermitops 1,933 62 Start Low
865 Litopterna 1,931 62 C Low
866 Trilobozoa 1,927 62 Start Low
867 Pareiasauria 1,927 62 Start Mid
868 Saccorhytus 1,926 62 Start Low
869 Pinnipedimorpha 1,926 62 Stub Mid
870 List of Late Quaternary prehistoric bird species 1,925 62 List Low
871 Stegoceras 1,925 62 FA Low
872 Thalattosauria 1,924 62 C Mid
873 Silesauridae 1,922 62 Start Low
874 Timorebestia 1,922 62 Stub Low
875 Pseudaelurus 1,921 61 C Low
876 Compsognathidae 1,921 61 B Low
877 Miragaia longicollum 1,920 61 B Low
878 Shunosaurus 1,919 61 Start Low
879 Henry Fairfield Osborn 1,918 61 B Mid
880 Citipati 1,918 61 C Low
881 Teratophoneus 1,915 61 C Low
882 Cygnus falconeri 1,913 61 Stub Low
883 Oviraptoridae 1,913 61 C Low
884 Pelagornis sandersi 1,912 61 Redirect NA
885 Wiwaxia 1,909 61 C High
886 Stygimoloch 1,908 61 Redirect NA
887 Acinonyx pardinensis 1,908 61 C Low
888 Dracorex 1,902 61 Redirect NA
889 Tim Flannery 1,898 61 C Low
890 Hybodontiformes 1,897 61 B Low
891 Notosuchia 1,897 61 Start Mid
892 Prionosuchus 1,896 61 C Low
893 Mesonychidae 1,894 61 Start Low
894 Balangoda Man 1,893 61 GA Low
895 List of pterosaur genera 1,891 61 List High
896 Tremarctos floridanus 1,887 60 Stub Low
897 Kosmoceratops 1,886 60 FA Low
898 Zhoukoudian Peking Man Site 1,883 60 B Low
899 Moros intrepidus 1,883 60 Start Mid
900 Metriacanthosauridae 1,882 60 Start Low
901 Dactylioceras 1,880 60 C Mid
902 Panthera onca augusta 1,879 60 Start Low
903 Elasmosauridae 1,878 60 C Low
904 Geological history of North America 1,878 60 C Mid
905 Josephoartigasia 1,877 60 GA Low
906 North Island giant moa 1,871 60 C Low
907 Gryposuchus 1,870 60 Start Low
908 Palaeophis 1,869 60 Stub Low
909 Nothrotheriops 1,868 60 Start Low
910 Josephoartigasia monesi 1,867 60 Redirect NA
911 Anurognathus 1,866 60 C Mid
912 Sporopollenin 1,866 60 Start High
913 Barbourofelidae 1,861 60 Start Low
914 LD 350-1 1,853 59 Start Low
915 Messel pit 1,852 59 C Top
916 Nodosaurus 1,852 59 C Low
917 Staurozoa 1,850 59 Start Low
918 Sebecidae 1,846 59 Stub Low
919 Leaellynasaura 1,846 59 Start Low
920 Paleontologist 1,839 59 Redirect NA
921 Ursus maritimus tyrannus 1,838 59 Start Low
922 Eutriconodonta 1,837 59 C Mid
923 Rhynchosaur 1,833 59 C High
924 Titanomyrma 1,832 59 C Low
925 Ouled Abdoun Basin 1,830 59 Stub Mid
926 Tusoteuthis 1,829 59 Start Mid
927 Background extinction rate 1,827 58 Start Mid
928 Tapejara wellnhoferi 1,827 58 Start Mid
929 Carbonemys 1,825 58 Stub Low
930 Bahariasaurus 1,823 58 Start Low
931 Raphinae 1,822 58 GA Low
932 Pachystruthio 1,821 58 Stub Low
933 Pierre Shale 1,819 58 Stub Low
934 London Clay 1,818 58 Start High
935 Puertasaurus 1,814 58 GA Low
936 Archaeoraptor 1,814 58 GA Low
937 Eustreptospondylus 1,812 58 C Low
938 Mammuthus subplanifrons 1,806 58 Stub Low
939 Pierolapithecus 1,806 58 Start Low
940 Ouranopithecus 1,802 58 Start Low
941 Lyuba (mammoth) 1,801 58 Start Low
942 Ultrasaurus 1,800 58 Start Low
943 Dromornis stirtoni 1,794 57 Redirect NA
944 Chasmaporthetes 1,791 57 Start Low
945 Panperissodactyla 1,790 57 Stub Low
946 Prestosuchus 1,788 57 C Mid
947 South American native ungulates 1,786 57 Start Low
948 Notiomastodon 1,786 57 Start Low
949 Cisuralian 1,784 57 Start Low
950 Ust'-Ishim man 1,780 57 Start Mid
951 Ardipithecus kadabba 1,778 57 Start Low
952 Solnhofen Limestone 1,777 57 Start Low
953 Mononykus 1,775 57 Start Low
954 Tritylodontidae 1,772 57 Start Low
955 Dinopithecus 1,772 57 Start Low
956 Stegotetrabelodon 1,771 57 Stub Low
957 Ornithocheirus 1,771 57 C Mid
958 Anteosaurus 1,768 57 Start Low
959 Caenagnathidae 1,768 57 C Low
960 Hyracotherium 1,762 56 Start Mid
961 Cladoselache 1,761 56 C Low
962 Pterygotus 1,759 56 GA Low
963 Narmada Human 1,758 56 Start Unknown
964 Burmese amber 1,756 56 C High
965 Horseshoe Canyon Formation 1,755 56 Start Low
966 Amphimachairodus 1,752 56 B Low
967 Evolution of cephalopods 1,751 56 C Mid
968 Wonambi 1,751 56 Start Mid
969 Azolla event 1,750 56 B Low
970 Heterodontosauridae 1,745 56 GA Low
971 Pelagornithidae 1,738 56 B Low
972 Mammuthus meridionalis 1,737 56 Start Low
973 Magyarosaurus 1,736 56 C Low
974 Red Deer Cave people 1,735 55 Start Low
975 Plectronoceras 1,735 55 Stub Low
976 Barnum Brown 1,730 55 Start Low
977 Charonosaurus 1,729 55 Stub Low
978 Scleral Ring 1,724 55 Stub Low
979 Elpistostegalia 1,723 55 C Mid
980 Sclerite 1,720 55 C High
981 Chronospecies 1,717 55 Start Mid
982 Nuralagus 1,717 55 Start Low
983 Belemnoidea 1,716 55 C Mid
984 Megatheriidae 1,715 55 Start Low
985 Ekrixinatosaurus 1,715 55 C Low
986 Pteranodon sternbergi 1,713 55 C Low
987 Thylacoleonidae 1,713 55 Start Mid
988 Eusthenopteron 1,712 55 C Mid
989 Yunnanozoon 1,712 55 Stub Mid
990 Bistahieversor 1,712 55 C Low
991 Cosmopolitodus 1,711 55 Start Low
992 Marginocephalia 1,710 55 B Low
993 Diabloceratops 1,709 55 C Low
994 Polacanthus 1,708 55 B Low
995 Syncerus antiquus 1,707 55 C Low
996 Anaschisma 1,706 55 C Low
997 Arthrodira 1,705 55 Start High
998 Udelartitan 1,705 55 Stub Low
999 Cedar Mountain Formation 1,700 54 B Low
1000 Sigillaria 1,699 54 Start Low