LIMS Configured And Implemented Within 3 Months

A new case study has been published by Autoscribe (, which highlights how its Matrix Gemini Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) was configured and implemented in just 3 months at global paper supplier, Glatfelter. Glatfelter’s corporate analytical services group offers a wide range of analytical capabilities with some 15 instruments available. The laboratory performs multiple functions ranging from product development and process improvements to environmental analyses.
With the laboratory conducting around 25,000 analyses per year, the major challenge for the LIMS was to manage the workflow for an efficient use of the facilities and a fast turn round of results. The case study describes how Matrix Gemini was introduced to replace a system that had been developed internally using Microsoft Access™. Matrix Gemini was configured to handle a complex system of many samples received daily from many locations which often required multiple tests. The result is that analysts can now visualize the workflow for every request and can easily follow a sample’s path through the laboratory.
John Boother, Autoscribe’s founder and CEO, commented: “This case study illustrates perfectly how with the correct planning, accurate definition of requirements and close collaboration between the two parties, a complex installation can be expedited in a very short space of time. Key to the success of the project was the utilization of Matrix Gemini’s extensive configuration tools, and the real-time feedback that resulted from the very close working relationship between laboratory staff at Glatfelter and the software team at Autoscribe.”