LIMS in a Refinery

LIMS in a Refinery


By Prasanna Venkatesh,

LIMS Consultant, Satyam Computer Services Ltd.




Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) is positioned in an impeccable location in the maze of automation and computational systems in a refinery setup. LIMS is a donor of data to numerous mission critical systems such as the Distributed Control System (DCS), real time database system (such as Aspen’s Info Plus 21), material balance reconciliation software system (such as OSIsoft’s Sigmafine), tank information system, blending & optimization supervisory system, terminal automation system, enterprise resource planning systems (such as SAP) etc.


In this article, let us explore the objective of LIMS in a refinery, how important is LIMS for the healthiness of refinery operations and finally, how it caters to the demanding needs of other linked 24×7 systems.



LIMS is strategically placed as an on-site process automation tool in a refinery. LIMS is packaged with peer systems like real time database system (such as Aspen’s Info Plus 21) and material balance reconciliation software system (such as OSIsoft’s Sigmafine) in the on-site automation suite. LIMS is viewed as a direct/support decision-making tool with integration capabilities with its peer and non-peer systems.



The objective of LIMS in a refinery is multifold. They are:


  • Single-point data resource:

Having a single-point data availability resource of all laboratory-generated data is the foremost objective of a LIMS installation in a refinery. All laboratory data is stored and can be retrieved from LIMS.


  • Sharing laboratory data:

LIMS acts as an efficient means to communicate laboratory results to plant operations instantly. A refinery intranet portal, commonly termed as the ‘WebLIMS’ comes handy when volumes of results need to be passed on scores of people operating the refinery simultaneously. This quality data from LIMS helps operators to judge the ‘swings’ in the plant and prompt them to make corrective operations.


Direct applications of LIMS:

  • Sample Tracking:

Refinery is such a huge complex, and if it is not difficult for us to get lost, it is needless to say the plight of samples. The anxiety of the sample originator is subdued to some extent by the sample tracking facility, which is an integral part of LIMS. The sample originator cannot only trace the physical location of the sample, but also will get an estimated wait time before the results are out.


  • Automatic Product Certification

The products from the refinery, before they are dispatched, carry a quality authentication from the laboratory. These are automatically generated ‘Certificate of Analysis’ reports carry the signatures of the issuing authorities.


  • Six-sigma implementation in laboratories

With the enforcement of six-sigma compliance in the manufacturing sector globally, laboratories too have come under the watch. LIMS have become a reliable tool to statistically model laboratory functions, widely used in six-sigma projects, through the date and time stamps of the various laboratory activities stored in them.


LIMS Networking Architecture:

Before we get into exploring the systems, which are integrated with LIMS, let us take a quick look at the LIMS networking architecture. The accompanying picture (Fig. 1) is self-explanatory and gives us an outline of the LIMS topology.  


LIMSfinder > Picture1″ style=”WIDTH: 381px; HEIGHT: 294px” height=319 alt=”w3markets > LIMSfinder > Picture1″ hspace=0 src=”” width=499 border=0>

Fig. 1


Data Transmission:

Data flow across systems (peer and non-peer systems) happens by means ‘talking-and-listening’ each other’s data. Integration of these systems calls for the use of interfacing tools (combination of software and hardware gadgetry), which can translate the output given by the donor system into a perceivable input by the recipient system. The data traffic is more or less scheduled and is also triggered by per-written adhoc database queries.


Data transmission, across certain systems, happens as a result of the ‘push and pull’ phenomenon. For example, in the case of data transfer from LIMS to the real time database system, a scheduled pre-written query ‘pushes’ the retrieved data into an intermediate database table. The ‘pull’ query at the recipient side fetches the ‘pushed’ data into its system. The lifetime of the intermediate table created during the ‘push’ is only ephemeral and fizzles away once the complimentary ‘pull’ occurs.


Data Authenticity & Security:

In a scenario where many information systems are interlinked, there is every chance that an erroneous data transfer might occur. Data, both before transmission and reception, is verified for authenticity. If the data is originated from an instrument interfaced with LIMS, then instrument ‘Checked OK’ clearance report is verified before LIMS data is transferred to other systems. The most classical error that occurs during data transfer across systems is the mismatch of unit of measurement. Appropriate unit conversions wherever necessary is incorporated and verified before the system goes ‘live’.


Now, the data is everywhere. But is it secure? Has the data reached only to those for which it was intended? The duty of the network firewall system is to ensure just this. Although LIMS is interfaced with many other systems, not all data is communicable. The restrictions to data access by other systems are defined in the network architecture and the firewall ensures data security. 


LIMS and other interfaced systems:


D a t a s o u r c e : Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS)



Interfaced System

Data from LIMS (Examples)



Real-time database system

Especially quality data from process intermediate streams (pH, % recovery)

Data is analyzed by automatic graphical plots (bar charts, line charts etc.)


Distributed Control System (DCS)

% Distillation, acidity, alkalinity, impurities

Data is displayed in DCS panel. Operators can instantly get a measure of the process quality


Bar-coding System

Sample ID, Sample Details

Sample receipt and sample tracking within the laboratory


Enterprise resource planning system

Product density, impurities

Helps to calculate the value of the product dispatched by computing mass/volume of the product from the density data


Terminal Automation System

Raw material and Product densities

Quantity of raw material procured and product dispatched is computed based on density data from LIMS


Material balance reconciliation system

Acidity, density of process intermediates

Mass balance calculation and reconciliation depends on quality data from LIMS


Blending & optimization supervisory system

Hydrocarbon mix composition of blending streams

Blend ratio computation based on hydrocarbon mix composition data


Tank Information System

Raw material and Product densities

Computation of mass/volume of material in tanks. Pumpable volume, ullage computation.

Fig. 2 shows LIMS and the systems interfaced with it.

LIMSfinder > Picture2″ height=441 alt=”w3markets > LIMSfinder > Picture2″ hspace=0 src=”” width=443 border=0>

Fig. 2



The positioning of LIMS in a refinery can be viewed as something similar to a stack of playing cards. A careless pull of a card from the stack can spoil the whole arrangement. Hence, goes the analogy, any mal-performance of LIMS can give a jolt to the entire family of associated automation systems. Only a judicious employment of LIMS can ensure this harmonious co-existence to go on and on.