New ELN Template and Mobile Apps in the STARLIMS Content Library

August 28th, 2018 – Hollywood, FL. Abbott Informatics announced today the release of new ELN templates and mobile apps for the STARLIMs Content Library.


The STARLIMS Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN) provides a powerful electronic replacement for paper lab notebooks and other homegrown solutions. The following templates are included in today’s release and provide customers with a starting point which can be further adapted to meet the needs of their own test methods:

  • ELN Interactive Charting Examples: Demonstrations of the various interactive charting capabilities of the ELN with examples of how to represent different data sets in linear, logarithmic, parabolic, line, and curve charts.
  • QM Uniformity of Content: A multi-stage workflow with varying acceptance criteria used by the pharmaceutical industry to validate the uniformity of capsule and tablet contents.
  • QM Bioburden: A workflow which tracks incubation time points and media usage, records colony formations, and calculates the estimated colony formation units (CFU) of a sample based on the colony counts from various media.
  • QM Dimethicone by Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR):A standard USP method, which calculates the prevalence of dimethicone in a sample by comparing FTIR peaks to a standard curve.
  • QM Dimethicone by FTIR: Mean percentage of dimethicone is calculated by comparing FTIR peaks of standards to samples.



The STARLIMS Mobile solution enables laboratory personnel to access information or enter data on a mobile device, increasing the efficiency of workflow tasks which need to be performed while away from the computer. Today’s release includes new and enhanced mobile apps for Clinical and Forensics customers:

  • CL Biorepository Picking: Pack biorepository samples from multiple work orders into their appropriate shipping boxes, following a picklist and leveraging the mobile device’s barcode-scanning capabilities.
  • FR Chain of Custody (enhancements): Enhanced with various new transactions for advancing evidence and containers; send evidence to the next unit in route, central receiving, the submitting agency, or property.



Launched in 2016, the STARLIMS Content Library allows customers to discover new content for STARLIMS, and enhances the value of add-on products.  The previous update in May 2018, introduced a new category of content, ELN Templates, which demonstrates Abbott Informatics’ continued commitment to building the STARLIMS Content Library as a way for customers to further maximize the value of their STARLIMS solution.

Complementary access is available to all current Abbott Informatics customers through the Abbott Informatics Zendesk Customer Support Portal. Installing dashboards, mobile apps, or ELN templates requires the necessary STARLIMS licenses.