Gregg Dietzman
White Point Systems, Inc.
(360) 378-7292

FOR RELEASE: October 1, 2003

(Friday Harbor, WA) — White Point Systems, Inc. (WPS, a privately held company) today announces the award of a $2.23M contract from the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), Fogarty International Center (FIC) to establish and administrate a Global Data Center (GDC) for the International Cooperative Biodiversity Groups (ICBG) Program.

The six-year contract is to provide information technology support and facilitate use of an integrated relational database by the ICBGs, provide management support to FIC by maintaining a global dataset together with custom reporting, and to provide a public website on ICBG containing topics, tools, and links of interest to the Program. The industry-standard NAPIS ® technology developed by White Point Systems will be used to facilitate the use of an integrated relational database.

About NAPIS ® (NAtural Products Information System)

NAPIS ® database software is a specialized laboratory information management system (LIMS) that integrates with other geographic, chemical, and analytical information management systems. The system tracks natural product samples through the process of bioassay-directed isolation with links to bioassay results. Organization and rapid analysis of information using the NAPIS ® technology provides natural products researchers with the tools necessary to compete in the fast-paced drug discovery environment. NAPIS ® is modular, scaleable, and secure.

About White Point Systems, Inc.

White Point Systems, Inc. is an innovative service company that supports the pharmaceutical industry with research informatics. Our software products and related services are designed specifically to support natural products drug discovery and development. The company was established in 1993 using primarily Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant funds from the U.S. National Cancer Institute, and has continued to grow through follow-on contract opportunities within the pharmaceutical industry. WPS is recipient of the 2001 National Tibbets Award from the U.S. Small Business Administration for accomplishments in the SBIR program.
