PerkinElmer Showcases Expanded Biomarker Discovery Platform Offering at HUPO 4th World Congress meeting

PerkinElmer, Inc., a global leader in health sciences, featured at the Human Proteome Organization (HUPO) 4th Annual World Congress in Munich, Germany, the new Progenesis™ PG600 Biomarker Analysis Software from Nonlinear Dynamics Ltd. (Nonlinear). Combining Nonlinear’s expertise in data analysis with PerkinElmer’s novel, high-tech solutions in imaging and detection and mass spectrometry, Progenesis PG600 allows researchers to interact with data using a simple and intuitive interface that provides powerful, reproducible and highly reliable biomarker discovery and screening capabilities. The software is the first proteomics product to be developed through PerkinElmer’s recent partnership with Nonlinear.   


Progenesis PG600 facilitates the discovery of biomarkers by comparing the mass spectrometry profiles of two or more different sample classes (e.g., disease versus healthy, or treated versus untreated) and provides a number of powerful analytical and visualization tools to aid in the identification of feature differences in data sets.


A customized interface designed for PerkinElmer allows the direct uploading of raw data from PerkinElmer’s  prOTOF 2000TM orthogonal MALDI-TOF mass spectrometer, part of PerkinElmer’s BioXPRESSION™ biomarker discovery and screening platform, into Progenesis PG600 software.  


“The inclusion of Progenesis PG600 Biomarker into our existing BioXPRESSION platform will enable users to perform rapid identification of biomarker targets and, in turn, their implementation in a clinical environment,” said Peter Coggins, PhD., president, PerkinElmer Life and Analytical Sciences. “The BioXPRESSION platform is designed to aid in the early detection and identification of specific disease states, allowing researchers to monitor the success of a therapy, and in the future may allow therapies to be tailored to the individual patient.”


Other PerkinElmer proteomic solutions to be featured at the show include:

·         prOTOF™ 2000 –MALDI O-TOF – Mass spectrometer for exceptional mass accuracy and stability

·         ProXPRESSION™ Biomarker Kits – Carrier protein-based blood biomarker enrichment kits

·         ProXPRESS™ 2D Proteomics Imaging System – Multi-color fluorescence 2D and 1D gel imager

·         ProScanArray™ Microarray Analysis System – Proteomics-ready microarray scanner and software


About PerkinElmer

PerkinElmer, Inc. is a global technology leader driving growth and innovation in Health Sciences and Industrial Sciences markets to improve the quality of life. The Company reported revenues of $1.7 billion in 2004, has 10,000 employees serving customers in more than 125 countries, and is a component of the S&P 500 Index. Additional information is available through  or 1-877-PKI-NYSE.