QuadraMed International Develops Critical Newborn Screening Lab Application for London Hospital

QuadraMed(R) Corporation has announced that the QuadraMed International division has completed implementation of a newborn screening lab information application for use with the company’s Affinity(R) Laboratory system by Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) in London, United Kingdom.

The new software features highly specialized functionality enabling the Newborn Screening Service to ensure the early detection and subsequent treatment of a number of newborn metabolic diseases to prevent potentially severe mental and/or physical disabilities. In only ten weeks, QuadraMed developed, installed, configured and fully implemented the first stage of this product. Stage two enhancements will be provided over the next few months.

Newborn screening encompasses critical procedures conducted by selected centers in the United Kingdom. The staff at GOSH faced the sunset of their existing screening lab software and the increasing complexity of screening, thereby the need to enhance the hospital’s ability to provide dependable data in the most timely manner. Based upon a highly satisfactory relationship with QuadraMed and its Affinity Laboratory system, the company was selected to meet the need for rapid deployment of advanced screening software.

Affinity Laboratory is a complete laboratory information system capable of providing consistent, accurate and timely data on a cost-effective basis. It is a fully scalable, comprehensive solution from specimen collection through cumulative result reporting. Included is a sophisticated rules engine that differentiates patient recall letters based upon a comprehensive range of critical criteria.

“QuadraMed has a long-standing reputation for being responsive to the needs of our customers, including the highly specialized needs of single organizations,” said Dean Souleles, QuadraMed Chief Technology Officer. “In this case, our international division responded by working to help GOSH, a customer with worldwide reach, to assure its clinicians will have the data they need when they need it to provide effective treatment. This is the ultimate goal of healthcare information technology.”

Great Ormond Street Hospital offers the widest range of pediatric specialties in the United Kingdom, and treats children worldwide as a tertiary referral center. The hospital traces its history to 1852, when it became the first children’s facility in the English-speaking world. Visit www.ich.ucl.ac.uk  for additional information.

QuadraMed Affinity Laboratory is an integral part of the Affinity HIS (Healthcare Information System) suite of products. More information on all QuadraMed HIS and HIM products and services is available at www.quadramed.com or by calling 800-393-0278. QuadraMed International, headquartered in Sydney, Australia, with offices in Winchester, Hampshire, United Kingdom, can be accessed directly on the Internet at www.quadramed.com.au   

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QuadraMed is dedicated to improving healthcare delivery by providing innovative healthcare information technology and services. From clinical and patient access management to revenue cycle and health information management, QuadraMed delivers real-world solutions that help healthcare professionals deliver outstanding patient care with optimum efficiency. Behind our products and services is a staff of almost 700 professionals whose experience and dedication to service have earned QuadraMed the trust and loyalty of customers at approximately 2,000 healthcare provider facilities. To find out more about QuadraMed, visit www.quadramed.com  

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