SLIMS has been improved to expand on security features, add support for analytical labs to workflows, improve instrument handling, and more. Our experts listen to customer feedback and engineer upgrades to provide the best user experience, integrating software, and customized functionality possible.

Expanded Security Features

The new Authentication Module manages which user account creation methods are active in your SLIMS instance. This version of SLIMS also allows accounts to be created through SLIMS, an LDAP server, or a third-party identity provider. The available third-party providers supported right now are Google, Okta, and Agilent OpenLab Shared Services.

Analytical Workflows

Analytical Workflows have been added to put the power of SLIMS’ flexible workflows behind analytical labs. This type of workflow uses the same building blocks that are already in place. However, specific test results can be requested in result protocol steps, and acceptable result ranges can be specified using Products and Specifications.

Instrument Calibration and Usage

Instrument calibration allows SLIMS to track equipment expiration dates and to issue consequences in protocol steps. For example, SLIMS can provide warnings to the user and to flag content that had an uncalibrated instrument used on it. Additionally, instruments from Agilent OpenLab CDS can be synched with SLIMS. This requires specific setup using your existing Agilent OpenLab Shared Services account.

Further Improvements in this Version

  • Easy filters for User and Group context were added to Views.
  • Macros can be restricted to appear only in the selected modules.
  • Groovy expressions can be used to add flags automatically in Protocol Steps.
  • Electronic Signatures can now require a combination of Username, Password, Meaning, and Comment if desired.
  • An option allows variants of derivations to be shown as well as the original content variants in Content.
  • Records in Reference Data can be removed in batch.
  • Groovy can be entered on Tests for result value expressions.
  • View and Picklist names can be edited after creation.
  • Views and Picklists can have Secondary Icons set.
  • Selections in any grid are reset after an action is performed.
  • Location filters are more obvious and must be set/unset intentionally.
  • SLIMSGATE Flows are available in the grid multi-select menu.
  • The left filters in the Content module are collapsible.
  • SLIMS Share allows layout packages to be exported/imported between instances.

Attached below is the SLIMS 6.4 Highlights document that lists all of the new features in this version with additional details.

If you have specific questions about the release, please contact a project lead from Genohm.

SLIMS 6.4 Highlights