STARLIMS to Introduce STARLIMS(r) Electronic Notebook At PITTCON 2009

HOLLYWOOD, Fla., Feb. 24, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — STARLIMS Technologies Ltd. (Nasdaq:LIMS), a leading provider of laboratory information management systems, or LIMS, today announced that it is adding Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN) functionalities to its comprehensive offerings for laboratory informatics. STARLIMS(r) Electronic Notebook will be launched at the upcoming Pittsburgh Conference (PITTCON 2009, McCormick Place, Chicago, March 9-13).

Electronic Data Acquisition Boosts Data Integrity and Availability

STARLIMS Electronic Notebook eliminates the need to maintain cumbersome and inefficient paper notebooks, enabling labs to record data in electronic format from the first moment it is created. Lost data and transcription errors are therefore minimized; data storage and retrieval are streamlined; and information is disseminated as soon as it is created.

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Compliance; Designed for GxP Environments

“STARLIMS Electronic Notebook is ideal for highly regulated environments, such as laboratories working under GxP,” said Itschak Friedman, president and CEO of STARLIMS. “It is a powerful tool to organize and manage information from both routine and non-routine tasks. In addition, organizations can tightly control the actions and sequence of those tasks as defined in Standard Operating Procedures.”

STARLIMS Electronic Notebook maps each of the steps defined in a SOP to an electronic worksheet — which ensures that all the required information is recorded, validated and carried out in strict compliance with the prescribed method. The result is a complete electronic record detailing each step in the analytical procedure, together with all the required supporting information (e.g., the materials, personnel, instruments and calculations employed in the process).

Converged Informatics

STARLIMS Electronic Notebook is part of an integrated solution that includes LIMS and SDMS. As an entirely web-based application, STARLIMS provides immediate access to data and supporting documentation, for any authorized user enterprise-wide. There is no need to maintain multiple computing platforms, applications or costly interfaces — nor to train users on the configuration, synchronization and usage of multiple systems. Depending on its specific priorities, each lab can select which components to implement first and add functions as needed.

“Isolated laboratory technologies are progressing toward a vision of ‘converged informatics,’ eliminating the traditional architectural distinctions between LIMS, ELN, and SDMS,” said Michael H Elliott, CEO of informatics market research firm Atrium Research. “Users are increasingly demanding a holistic approach to workflow automation to minimize the challenges associated with custom integration of silo data repositories. With the addition of their ELN component, STARLIMS is the first major LIMS provider to deliver a systemic solution.”

Another Step in Long-Range Vision: Unified Lab Informatics Platform over the Web

“STARLIMS’s vision is to integrate all the information a laboratory creates into a single, web-based platform, while providing the means to manage a wide range of laboratory processes and workflows. Following this strategy, we launched an entirely web-based LIMS already in 2006, and are regularly adding strategic capabilities to that powerful web-based platform,” said Friedman. “At PITTCON 2008 we introduced STARLIMS SDMS, an integrated Scientific Data Management System solution capable of parsing and managing unstructured data together with structured (LIMS) data. Leveraging these two technologies, we were able to create STARLIMS Electronic Notebook, another step in creating a unified platform for the paperless laboratory,” he added.


STARLIMS Technologies Ltd. (Nasdaq:LIMS) is a leading provider of laboratory information management systems (LIMS), with over 20 years of LIMS experience. The Company’s flagship product, STARLIMS(r), improves the reliability of laboratory sampling processes, supports compliance with domestic and international regulations and industry standards, and provides comprehensive reporting, monitoring and analysis capabilities. STARLIMS software is used for quality assurance and control, testing and monitoring, and research and development in government, manufacturing and life sciences organizations. With operations in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Israel and Hong Kong, the company serves over 500 organizations in 40 countries. For more information, please see