An Introduction to Next Generation Sequencing

An Introduction to Next Generation Sequencing

limsbookThe high demand for low-cost sequencing has driven the development of high-throughput sequencing, which is also termed as Next generation sequencing (NGS). Thousands or millions of sequences are concurrently produced in the next-generation sequencing process. Next generation sequencing has become a commodity. With the commercialization of various affordable desktop sequencers, NGS will be of reach to more traditional wet-lab biologists .

Drawing from the obvious goodwill and community spirit displayed on discussion forums, and exploiting the collaborative tools made available by the Wikimedia foundation, this free ebook: is designed to initiate the editing of a collaborative WikiBook on NGS.  Ultimately, our goal is to create a collective lab book that explains the key concepts and describes best practices in NGS.

Please download the free ebook or login with your Linkedin account and read it on-line.  Please post back comments for improvements.