Featured Books

2025 Lab Savings: How the Right LIMS Drives Maximum Efficiency

Discover how laboratories can unlock significant cost savings and boost operational efficiency by implementing the right lab management system. This guide explores proven strategies to streamline workflows, reduce manual tasks, and optimize data management for maximum productivity. [Free Download]

 Featured Content

Customizing LIMS for Industry-Specific Needs: One Size Doesn’t Fit All

Labs across various industries face unique challenges that require tailored solutions. A customizable LIMS optimizes workflows, enhances data accuracy, and ensures regulatory compliance. By adapting to specific industry needs, such as in pharmaceutical, clinical, or environmental labs, it drives efficiency and scalability. [Read More]

Decode Compliance and Quality Standards Requirements with a Water LIMS

Water quality directly impacts public health and the environment, which means maintaining stringent standards in water testing is non-negotiable. The stakes are significant, and even a single error can result in substantial fines and may jeopardize public health and safety. For example, failing to comply with regulations like the Clean Water Act can lead to hefty fines for each violation. This underscores the critical importance of adhering to complex regulations, such as EPA guidelines, and standards, such as ISO/IEC 17025. [Read More]

Why You Should Interface Your Instruments to LIMS

In the years since this blog was first authored, not only have the number of instrument types increased, but also the number of options for interfacing. And yet, the more things change, the more they stay the same. It’s still shocking when reviewing laboratory information management system (LIMS) survey results to find that some implementations go live without interfacing all the lab instruments with the system. [Read More]

Demystifying Usability Tests: Enhancing User Experience Beyond Software

Have you ever wondered how the digital tools and software we use every day become so intuitive and user-friendly? The secret lies in a process called usability testing. While traditionally employed in software design, its applications extend to any user-facing tool. Today, we’ll dive into what usability testing entails, its significance, and provide real-world examples of its implementation. [Read More]

Jumping Over Hurdles: The Impact of Outdated Laboratory Tech for Lab Managers

Within every laboratory setting, the choice of Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) is a major decision to make, particularly if a lab seeks to modernize its operations and remain competitive. Often, the decision-making process for buyers of this technology will already be influenced in part by the outdated laboratory technology they are already using. [Read  More]

How to Calculate Your Potential Savings with STARLIMS

In our fast-paced, data-driven world, managing your quality laboratory operations efficiently can make all the difference. If you’re considering a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) or quality manufacturing platform, it’s essential to understand the financial benefits it can bring to your organization. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through the process of calculating your ROI with STARLIMS.  [Read More]

How Integrating Lab Instruments with LIMS Saves Time and Money

Laboratory information management systems (LIMS) are a cornerstone of modern laboratories in the evolving landscape of scientific research and diagnostics. LIMS software streamlines the management and storage of laboratory data, offering a comprehensive solution for the complex challenges faced by labs. Despite the advancements in laboratory technologies, a significant challenge persists in manually collecting data from laboratory instruments. [Read More]

Confience’s Sample Master® LIMS Solves Several Challenges for the City and County of Broomfield, Colorado

The Broomfield Colorado Environmental and Wastewater Laboratories needed to evaluate alternative LIMS options to replace their existing LIMS because of shortcomings in their current LIMS, as well as move to a solution that could provide additional capabilities needed in the future. There were several LIMS vendors who submitted proposals. Confience’s Sample Master LIMS was selected. [Read More]

Sapio Sciences Partner Program Welcomes Astrix

Sapio Sciences, the science-awareTM lab informatics platform, today announced that Astrix, the market leader in creating and delivering innovative strategies, solutions, and people to the life science community, has joined the Sapio Sciences Partner Program, providing consulting and implementation services to life science and biotech customers. [Read  More]

Leveraging Dashboards and Data Visualization in LIMS for Smarter Lab Decisions

Unlock the power of dashboards and data visualization in your lab management system to drive smarter, data-driven decisions. By offering real-time insights into sample tracking, quality control, performance, and resource management, dashboards simplify data analysis, boost efficiency, and help ensure compliance with industry standards. [Read More]

 Upcoming Webinars

10/16/2024 - Considerations for Instrument Integration – A Panel Discussion

09/25/2024 - Astrix Webinar – The Convergence of Generative AI and Structured Content

09/24/2024 - Astrix Webinar – Accelerate Your Submission Content Preparation: Opportunities in Technical Compliance

09/24/2024 - Kalleid: From Resistance to Resilience: The Human-Centered Approach to Change